· First aid is the immediate help given to the victim of an accident or sudden illness, before medical help is obtained. Know More about First Aid SlideShare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. This instructor’s manual is part of the American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED program. Visit www.doorway.ru to learn more about this program. The emergency care procedures outlined in this book reflect the standard of knowledge and accepted emergency. All of our first aid powerpoint presentations are totally free to use to deliver first aid training and education. All we ask is that our credit line remains in place. If you would like to support us, you can buy a copy of our new first aid manual. The Complete First Aid Pocket Guide is available on Amazon and in Barnes Noble book stores. Please make sure you have read .
Scenario 2: Bleeding heavily. Someone has cut themselves - this could be on a knife when preparing food or falling on something sharp. If a wound is bleeding heavily, it will be too much for a plaster. First Aid/CPR/AED Participant's Manual The emergency care procedures outlined in this book reflect the standard of knowledge and accepted emergency practices in the United States at the time this book was published. Tool: PowerPoint Presentation, "Psychological First-Aid" Psychological First-Aid A Community Support Model No one who experiences a disaster is untouched by it. 1 Psychological First -Aid A set of skills that helps community residents care for their families, friends, neighbors, and themselves by providing basic psychological support in the.
First aid ppt. 1. Team Members: Harsh Khatri, Shyam Rajgarhia Stuti Sen Gupta. 2. The Encyclopaedia Britannica states First Aid as "measures to be taken immediately after an accident not with an idea to cure but in order to prevent further harm being done". It uses the available human and material resources at the site of accident to provide. paramedics are the best trained for medical emergencies, all are trained to administer first aid, and can be of assistance. When activating the EMS stay calm and answer the questions that the dispatcher will ask. They need to know things such as where you are, what happened, how many people are hurt, and who is doing first aid. First aid ppt. 1. FIRST AID Subject: FON Unit By: S. K. Mohanasundari AIIMS, Jodhpur. 2. Introduction: • A person who gives treatment for the one suffering from a disease or an accident, to improve his condition is called an” aides” and the medical treatment given as aid is called “ first aid” • If an accident happens in the.