FEI Strata DB FIB system Originally manufactured in ; Upgraded in FIB: Magnum Column Gas Injection system w/Insulator Gas Injection system w/Platinum Deposition Gas Injection system w/Insulator Enhanced Etch. SEM: Sirion Column. Detectors: SED, CDM, TLD. Optical microscope. Windows XP operating software. AutoFIB software for ver 3 Missing: manual. FEI Quanta 3D Bridge Door Flange GIS-port Loadlock Roof Stage Universal FEI FIB nn Helios NanoLab nn n n n Strata STEM nn n n Strata DB nn n n n n n Strata FIB nn n n n n Strata FIB nn n n n n VCE nn n n n VFIB nn n n n XL30 nn n n XL30 ESEM nn n n nMissing: manual. Thermo Fisher Scientific's innovative microscopy and application expertise helps customers find meaningful answers to questions that accelerate breakthrough discoveries, increase productivity, and ultimately change the www.doorway.rug: manual.
an array of round nanopores gradually increasing in size (~ nm in size) drilled by Dual Beam Focused Ion Beam - SEM (FEI Strata DB) Patterning with nanopores. The bottom shows a sccaning electron micrograph (SEM) image while the top is imaged with an Ar ion beam wit Dual Beam Focused Ion Beam - SEM (FEI Strata DB). FIB notching and SEM imaging were performed in a dual beam system (FEI, Strata DB M). A notch was introduced in a carbon fiber by using the FIB in a dual beam system (FEI, Strata DB M). Notches of various lengths were introduced by scanning the beam position. The FIB column was equipped with a Ga + ion source and operated at 30 kV. fei strata s: fei strata db fei v fei vectra: fei vectra fc: fei vectra + fei vectra fc: fischione instruments gatan gatan pips: hurco mhp eeja manual plater model #4: gold techni tg25t bath rhodium
Thermo Fisher Scientific's innovative microscopy and application expertise helps customers find meaningful answers to questions that accelerate breakthrough discoveries, increase productivity, and ultimately change the world. The FEI Strata DB Focused Ion Beam bridges the gap between nanocharacterization and nanomachining by combining a high resolution field-emission scanning electron microscope with a focused ion beam. Focused Ion-Beam Dual-Beam Strata DB (FIB/SEM)rasters focused energetic beams of electrons and ions to image and/or remove material from specimens. The primary application of this instrument is using the energetic ion beam to "sculpt" thin "foils" of material with thickness less than nm for analysis using a transmission electron microscope.