Manuals Kid. Manual Kid Vaaya Keeke Manual Kid / Kid Plus Manual Kid LE (model year ) Manual Kid / Kid Plus Manual Kid / Kid Plus Croozer GmbH An der Hasenkaule 10 Hürth Phone: +49 - E-Mail: B2B: B2B Information. Follow us. · Croozer Instructions The Croozer Kid for 1 Bike Child Trailer also offers excellent comfort and Croozer Kid for 2 Bicycle Croozer Pdf User Manuals. Croozer 3 in 1 Kid for 2 This is an amazing 3 in 1 baby toddler jogging outlined on the philted website and there in . the Croozer Kid, facing forward (i.e. relative to the direction of travel). For simplicity, this manual generally refers to the child or passenger in singular form. It is understood, however, that the Croozer Kid for 2 will be carrying up to two children and the Croozer Kid for 1, one child. For the sake of clarity, the Croozer Kid for 2 is shown.
Croozer Kid for 1 Croozer Kid for 2 Originální manuál - Uchovejte na bezpeãném místû pro dal‰í pouÏití VaroVání Nemûli byste pouÏívat dûtsk˘ Vozík Croozer, dokud si nepfieãtete tento Návod k pouÏití. Zanedbání tohoto upozornûní mÛÏe mit váÏné následky. Desde hace muchos años, la marca alemana Croozer es toda una referencia en el sector de los remolques infantiles. En Ciclosfera hemos hablado varias veces de, por ejemplo, el Croozer Kid Plus 2, que durante mucho tiempo fue usado por los "niños" de la, ahora, hemos tenido el placer de utilizar durante unas semanas el Croozer Kid Vaaya 2, la actualización de ese remolque. Croozer Kid for 2 (), Croozer Kid for 2 - a versatile roomsterIn the Croozer Kid for 2, two children can enjoy acres of space. And you will like the equipment levels, giving you three ways in which to use your Croozer: as bicycle trailer, stroller or all-terrain jogger. Equipped for every dayThanks to its 3in1.
For Croozer Kid models manufactured in or after € Show more. Rain Cover Kid. For all Croozer two-seaters manufactured in or after € Show more. Storage Cover Kid. Colour: Dark blue. Croozer Kid for 2 Owner's Manual (48 pages) 3-in-1 Buggy Bicycle Trailer Stroller. Brand: Croozer | Category: Stroller | Size: MB. Table of Contents. Manuals Kid. Manual Kid Vaaya Keeke Manual Kid / Kid Plus Croozer GmbH An der Hasenkaule 10 Hürth Phone: +49 - E-Mail: consumer.