various project cost features to current or future price levels. There are state adjustment factors included in this manual that allow a project estimated in one state to be adjusted to a project in another state. 8. Basis. A cost index is a ratio between composite costs at one period of time compared to the same composite cost at the base year. oVerVieW of cost-Based Water UtilitY rate MaKing 5 requirement and cost-of-service analysis to establish cost-based water rates that meet the overall rate-design goals and objectives of the utility. A section of the manual has been dedicated to providing a detailed discussion of each type of analysis previously referenced. Sections may be used to adjust the cost factor. Costs are classified by class and quality of construction. Buildings typical of a certain quality have many characteristics in common. For example, a Good Quality building will usually have good quality roofing so modifications for roof differences on a quality classified building are seldom.
various project cost features to current or future price levels. There are state adjustment factors included in this manual that allow a project estimated in one state to be adjusted to a project in another state. 8. Basis. A cost index is a ratio between composite costs at one period of time compared to the same composite cost at the base year. Identifying Factors for the Sensitivity Analysis The Limitations of Sensitivity Analysis Survey of Step 8 Chapter 12 Step 9: Conduct Risk And Uncertainty Analysis Risk and Uncertainty The Need for Cost Risk and Uncertainty Analysis Conducting a Cost Risk and Uncertainty Analysis Published: Thanks for your help! I like everything about the Is Cost A Factor?:Survey By The NSF Of The Experiences And Views Of Psychiatrists On New Drugs For The Treatment Of Schizophrenia|Gary Hogman paper - the content, formatting, and especially I like the ending paragraph. It is so passionate and creative that I was impressed.
generally follow the “80/20 rule”: the major cost items are the 20% of the items that contribute 80% of the estimated costs. However, for some projects, such as 3R, ERFO, OMAD, or various unusual projects, some of the minor items could contribute large percentages of the project costs. Cost factors in this manual are based on total floor area. Measure the exterior of the building, including stair-ways and entryways, to determine the square foot floor area. Include basement or second floor measurements plus stairways to determine the square foot floor area. Round measurements to the nearest whole foot. Draw a. costs of labor, material, and equipment (LME), and seven other matrix factors such as weather, climate, seismic, mobilization, overhead and profit, labor availability, and labor productivity.