· Implementing OSHA’s National Emphasis Program (NEP) on Amputations under Alaska OSH jurisdiction: Aug. 13, Cancelled - Consultation and Training Policies and Procedures Manual (CPPM) July 2, Cancelled - Alaska Occupational Safety and Health Field Operations Manual: May 1, Below is a crosswalk of occupation codes that were converted by the State of Alaska in January The old codes () were changed to the codes in Banner and UAKjobs (the previous recruitment system) at that time. · Alaska Occupational Licenses for APRNs and RNs Require Renewal by 12/07/ Alaska Medicaid Provider Billing Manual Bulletin: 08/22/ Repair of Eyeglasses: New Physical and Occupational Therapy Codes (PT and ) 03/22/ New Physical and Occupational Therapy Codes (PT ).
The state of Alaska requires each employees' occupational code be included when filing a Quarterly Contribution Report (TQ01C).. The Full Occupational Title or Code is a six-digit code determined by the position held by the employee. If the employee works in one occupation, report the job that requires the highest level of skill or education. A brief summary of the Alaska State Plan is included in the Code of Federal Regulations at 29 CFR Federal OSHA retains the authority to promulgate, modify, or revoke occupational safety and health standards under Section 6 of the OSH Act. In the event that federal OSHA resumes enforcement, those federal standards will be enforced. Alaska Administrative Manual - Personnel Classification and Pay the entry into a chosen occupational field, provides on-the-job training, and can result in upward movement within the series as appropriate. Not all job classes/positions are eligible or suitable to be covered by a flexible staffing agreement.
Department of Labor and Workforce Development. P.O. Box Juneau, AK Phone: () Fax: () Alaska naics by Region and Industry. IMPORTANT! If your company is involved in more than one industry, please check all the applicable cheat sheets to code your employees in the various industries. Select an industry 11 - Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 21 - Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction 22 - Utilities These occupational employment and wage estimates are calculated with data collected from employers.