AEM Performance Electronics Support - Instructions. If you are searching for product-specific instructions enter the Part Number (located on the UPC label of your box, or on the product page of our website). If you are searching for a Supported Application for a CD Carbon Dash or Infinity ECU, search using the manufacturer name (for example. The AEM gauge is ideal for all vehicles including carbureted applications and engine dynamometers. A user-programmable V analog output is included and can high EGT's (over C), run a turbocharger, run at high RPM for extended periods of Page 7. time or plan on running leaded race fuel then you must mount the sensor at least AEM’s X-Series F/C Digital Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) gauge combines incredible looks, increased readability and a multitude of new, easy-to-use features! It is a must for users who want a highly accurate EGT readout in their high performance vehicle.
The EGT (exhaust gas temperature) sensor, located on the joint pipe, has been calibrated here at AEM. But because this sensor is designed to monitor the condition of the pre-catalytic converter, it is not necessarily a good tool when tuning the vehicle for power. Like many factory turbocharged vehicles, the WRX/92X comes with a boost solenoid for. The AEM Engine Management System (EMS) is the result of extensive development on a wide variety of cars. Each system is engineered for the particular application. The AEM EMS differs How to hook up a CDI: Wire after igniter EGT #1 Location: Pin 2B # Injectors: 6 (Inj ) EGT #2 Location: Pin 4B. The AEM gauge is ideal for all vehicles including carbureted applications and engine dynamometers. A user-programmable V analog output is included and can high EGT's (over C), run a turbocharger, run at high RPM for extended periods of Page 7. time or plan on running leaded race fuel then you must mount the sensor at least
AEM Performance Electronics Support - Instructions. If you are searching for product-specific instructions enter the Part Number (located on the UPC label of your box, or on the product page of our website). If you are searching for a Supported Application for a CD Carbon Dash or Infinity ECU, search using the manufacturer name (for example. Wiring EgT Probes: The EGT cables on the probes can be trimmed to fit, stripped and separated for thermocouple connector installation. Each connector has a male and female end, for consistency install all female ends on the EGT probe wires. EGT polarity is very critical and it must be noted the red wire is negative. Manual The 52mm (/16”) AEM X-Series Gauge features a four digit central readout and sweeping color-coded LED display, providing immediate reference to the sensor reading in real-time. A V analog and an AEMnet (CAN bus) output is included and can be used with data loggers or aftermarket ECUs including the AEM Infinity Engine Management System.