· The programme will include the prep- aration of the updated version of International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Compilers Manual (IMTS Compilers Manual), as well as the capacity-building activities such as regional training workshops, technical assistance missions and the preparation of related complementary technical materials. IMTS Compilers manual - All draft chapters 1 Compilers Manual Part I Legal framework and data sources Chapter 1 Legal framework Annotated outline Scope. This chapter covers country practices. International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Supplement to the Compilers Manual This document is the final draft as submitted to the United Nations editors on 7 March 2 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document.
IMTS Compilers manual - All draft chapters 2 Chapter 1 Legal framework A. The importance of the legal framework for trade statistics Importance of the legal framework. International merchandise trade statistics may generally enjoy support from the Government as well as from the business community, because. The workshop will review the country practices in compilation of international merchandise trade statistics (IMTS) in the regions of South and South-East Asia. This review will be guided by the country replies to the questionnaire on the National Compilation and Dissemination Practices (NCDP), which was sent out in July International Merchandise Trade Statistics,Compilers Manual 1. Harmonized Methodology of the External Trade Statistics: United Nations: International Merchandise Trade Statistics. Concepts and Definitions. Studies in Methods, Series M, No. 52, Rev. 2 United Nations publications Sales No. EXVII ISBN
The International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Compilers Manual, Revision 1 (IMTS CM) supports statisticians in countries in the implementation of the new and updated recommendations. International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Supplement to the Compilers Manual The International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Supplement to the Compilers Manual has been prepared with the support. International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Compilers Manual, Revision 1 (IMTS CM) has been prepared by the United Nations Statistics Division in collaboration with the members of the Expert.